Thursday, 30 October 2014


Well what do you think of the below;did it get you thinking.....asking questions and wondering.......

     It’s not a small thing to be wrong about God.  And if nearly everyone on the planet is wrong about God, it’s really not a small thing.
     If nearly everyone on the planet has mistaken notions about God, then nearly everything that everyone on the planet is doing will not work the way it was intended.
     This is because the basis of so much of what they’re doing is found in so many of their beliefs about God.
     Think not?
     Think again.
     Nearly all of civilization’s modern laws emerged from the early rules and laws of some faith tradition. Nearly all of humanity’s moral codes derive from the mandates of a religion. Nearly every political movement and economic theory is based on ideas of justice, right-and-wrong, and basic fairness first espoused by spiritual teachers.
     Even those who don’t believe in God are impacted and guided by many of the fundamental principles placed into the Cultural Story by those who do.
     And a striking number of the personal decisions made by billions of individuals across the globe are made within the context of what they believe to be the purpose of life, what they believe happens when this life is over, what they believe about God, and about what God wants.
     So it’s not a small thing to be wrong about God.
     Proposition: Not one of the systems we have put into place to make life better on this planet is working.
     Wait. It’s worse.
     Not only have the systems we have put into place failed to produce the outcomes for which they were intended—they are actually producing exactly the opposite.
     I have made this point before, in a number of books I have written. I believe it is worth repeating, with emphasis.
     Our political systems are actually increasing disagreement and disarray. Our economic systems are actually increasing poverty and the gulf between the rich and the poor. Our ecological systems are actually increasing environmental degradation.
     Our health care systems are actually increasing inequality of access to modern medicines and health care services. Our educational systems are actually increasing the knowledge gap. Our social systems are actually increasing disparity, disharmony, and injustice.
     And, perhaps saddest of all, our spiritual systems are actually increasingrighteousness, intolerance, anger, hatred, violence, and war.
     If the improvement of human life upon the earth were a laboratory experiment, it would have long ago been considered an abject failure.
     Indeed, an appalling disaster.
     Not everyone agrees. There are those who believe that humanity is evolving to higher and higher levels of sophistication and achievement, producing a better and better quality of life for all the members of our species.
     It is possible that they would not, however, be among the 842 million people (one in eight in the world) who do not have enough to eat. It is certain that they would not be the parents of the over 650 children who die of starvation every hour.
     They would presumably not be among the 20.9 million women and children who are bought and sold into commercial sexual servitude every year.
     They would also, one imagines, not be among the over three billion people who live on less than $2.50 a day, or the billions who have no access to health care. (Some 19,000 children die each day from preventable health issues, such as malaria, diarrhea, and pneumonia.)
     They would probably also not be among the 1.7 billion people who lack clean water, or the 2.6 billion without basic sanitation, or the 1.6 billion people—a quarter of humanity—who live without electricity.
     That’s right. In the first quarter of the twenty-first century, 2.6 billion people live without toilets, and 1.6 billion without electricity.
     How is this possible?, you might ask. And that is a very good question.
     It is an especially good question given that humanity imagines itself to be a “civilized” species. To the people in the above categories, the “civilization of Civilization” has not even begun.
     A planet where 5 percent of the population owns or controls 95 percent of the wealth and resources—and where most of that 5 percent think this is perfectly okay, even as unconscionable numbers languish in lack and suffering—would not seem to be a planet on which a great deal of humanitarian advancement has been achieved.
     All of this is possible because of the collective values of those people who can do something about it. And where do those values come from? I suggest they derive in large part from the well-intentioned, but mistaken, beliefs about God held by many human beings—including those who do not believe in God at all.
     Does anybody care that our species has been such a failure—or why?
     Does anybody imagine it has not been?
     Does anybody want to know how this whole situation can be turned around in the blink of an eye?
     Does anyone want to know how his or her own personal life can be changed for the better with the embracing of a single idea?
     Do you? Do you want to know?
(If you do, you may wish to read more from GOD’S MESSAGE TO THE WORLD: You’ve Got Me All WrongThe above narrative forms the first chapter of that book, released Oct 23. To read four more sample chapters, go here. )

Friday, 10 October 2014

Becoming me!

I could not help but share this, my friend Dee Meyer with KA'ryna SH'ha shared it on Facebook and it makes so much sense to me on how I feel as a woman, how i feel in expressing myself or being who I am , the urge and need to be myself but then the holding back and the pain of not really living to my full human / feminine potential. Life is so much bigger than we imagine it to be, so much more to learn and explore if we allow ourselves the courage too. Enjoy the below with an open mind, read the lines to understand it in your own way and allow the courage of love, experience and growth to be with you .

“My Blood Moon Mysteries Revealed…
The dam broke open in me last night….spilled over in a raging torrent of grace-filled love. I wept, I raged and I screamed my way through a night of full activations and awakenings. Railed against my own judgments, spewing out long held desires and deep dark remembrances. It was time for the woman in me to rise into the goddess waiting to be seen.
I let thoughts move through like quicksilver beading in a super-heated crucible. I demanded to know what right the divine had in holding me hostage in this sea of insanity! I made my pleas known to the divine mother. I called out to the mother again and again. I called her out…for all of her hiding. I called myself out for all of my own (hiding). 
A raging sexual fever /fervor of passionate awareness engulfed me as I felt the goddess in me quiver and ignite. I called myself on the hot-seat for my placating and obedience to niceness and kindness at the expense of the voice that waits for expression. I openly and loudly confronted my prejudices and ignorance. Self-judgments were shredded into tiny filaments as I held these mysterious beliefs up to the light of the womb of being. 
I swore loudly and yelled knowingly, howling at the injustices plaguing my life and all beings. A raging fiery river of love filled me with such a passion that it exploded in an implosive field of awareness.
I came to know the most suppressed parts of my being I could no longer contain. Convulsive waves ripped through me moment by moment until my whole body was set aflame. Condition after condition of conditional beliefs arose to be annihilated in the flaming rituals of my Grace-induced Transcendence. 
I could no longer hold back the force of my being brithng in multiple dimensions. I knew that all I could do was let it all fall apart into the arms of the all-embracing Love emerging form my soul! There was’/is no way to contain the darkness enfolding in the mystery of the unknown arising in me.
I was possessed by the spirit of the holy of holies…the mother substance drowned this girl in a bath of sorrow-filled grief. Grief for letting something beautiful and aware be contracted and hid. The raw truth escaped like steam form an over-heated kettle. 
Time for this being to speak her truth, sing her song, light her path….beat her fist into the beating heart of the Mother-Lodge. Time for this woman to meet herself and make peace with the power of the Father she loves. The true father who oversees not overbears. 
The true father, who lovingly respects and guards the feminine, not the father who oppresses and denies her voice. 
Make peace with the Mother of all embodiment's within me…and face the father of all being who shares knowledge of the tree of light.
I wasn't going to back down…I wouldn't give in until I heard the sound arising from the breath all creation. 
In those moments of total insanity I found my way to total sanity. My voice became a bell ringing out. The peeling bells of gnosis spoke to me and said, “ rage and grow quiet, scream and be still, unravel and be opened by the mighty sound….the voice of the thunder precedes the lightening of dawn….the human form can no longer be contained! 
Your wildness is the answer to all you seek…let the living rivers of light transfigure your heart into pure radiance….it is time to set your whole self free!” 
I am now in the process of liberating the cause within my being. I do not know where this will lead. I only know it is time to be unto the holy presence that arises to me this loving moment of truth unspoken.
Transmission after transmission is flooding in....after the storm comes the calming realization of what is to come.
As I share this, the most vulnerable part of my heart shakes… with the awareness of this naked soul exposing all that she is.”

Friday, 3 October 2014


Of love
I look within me with the silence of a lovers whisper
I float on the wind as light as a feather spreading petals of love
Reaching out to embrace the full flesh of life and dance within its romance
Of Anger
I stretch full to the throne blowing sparks of anger
Heavy and unforgiving, tired for life was dark
Mighty I stand looking down and drain of love and sweet whispers
Finally moments of silence, engulf in the full embrace of a lover
Moments ………

Neale Donald Walsch in one of his book in the conversation with god series wrote: I quote…. “There have been moments in my life when I have entertained unkind thoughts. I have also said things in my life that I do not feel proud of. And I can remember times when I have acted in ways that contradicted my best intentions. I suppose each and every one of us can remember at least one time in our lives when our thoughts, words, and actions were not in alignment with our Highest Self, instances when we functioned from a place of fear and not from a place of love, moments when we knew at a very deep and certain level that we had stepped off the path of clarity”
We have all had those moments in our lives; moments where we have entertain terrible thoughts and wish dreadful things to people we love. We have had our moments of lying, cheating and being just that so called ‘evil’ step sister or friend. We have had moments where we try to do something we felt was right or help someone close to us and it turns out selfish and goes horribly wrong.  We have all had our share of actin selfishly and nasty, sometimes to get something we thought we wanted or just out of fear.
A very good friend of mine Melissa; who I am hoping will soon write about this and give a lot of people an easy and simple way of understanding self and life( I cannot wait to read her book!) describes the above in a very beautiful way that made so much sense to me… she drew a circle with a ripple effect, with the center as the highest self-level of being  and the larger end of the ripple as the lowest self –level of being. She explained that we all find ourselves moving within the highest and the lowest level of being (highest and lowest self) and many of us find ourselves in the middle ;not being high nor low. Sometimes we are aware and sometimes we are unconscious of it, the decisions we make, how we listen to people, how we see things and who we are reflects the level of being we are in at that particular time. Some of us never get to the lowest or highest self-level but hang in between and enjoy the floating of just being there. Some of us move to the highest level and live consciously and experience the wonders and freedom of life, love and compassion for self and others and living selflessly, While some of us dwell at the lowest level and enjoy being at the   lowest self - level hardly ever allowing ourselves to the highest self- level, giving fear a ball and allowing fear to make our decisions for us, acting in the lowest form of being completely without love, restricting ourselves from the freedom of life, freedom of self-compassion and compassion for others, allowing anger, need and hate to rule us .
I know I have been in both places many times; some of my dreadful/ nastiest but learning decisions and moments (much appreciated now!)were made when I was at the lowest level of being, some of this moments have open up the door to step into my moments of clarity, and some of those moments have made me go lower and behave in ways that I am not proud of; But all these moments have made me who I am , the moments have allowed me to realize that I should not judge myself nor people for some of the decisions and actions we take. We have to accept and understand that we/I was at a level where those decisions felt right and that is life…the I AM, the experience we wanted to have. Nothing is by mistake; nothing just happens it all happens for a reason and for that moment leading to another moment, but being conscious and stepping out to clarity is what matters.
As beings, We all have our believes and those believes lead to our thoughts and our emotions; emotions creates the feelings of fear and love, in our lowest form , we allow fear to rule and our decisions and actions are based on fear making it negative but if we allow love to rule either in our lowest or highest level of being by stepping into our clarity moment then it will turn out positive. Fear reduces our capabilities, it limits us, it reduces our creativity, it stops us from living from within but love frees us and allows us to fly. Our thoughts create possibilities which also create emotions of love and fear, if we chose fear we get lost, our true potentials remain hidden and lock away , our experience is limited , love brings about unlimited experience and clarity. It is a circle that we live by and if we constantly live in fear then we are not living.
Life is meant to live in love and gratitude leading to abundance, freedom and limitlessness; being conscious and living within the moment allow us to step out of the lowest level of being, it reminds us we have stepped off the path of clarity and we need to go back within and look within, to look within the I AM space; the feeling of calmness, appreciating, taking deep conscious breath, allowing your mind the freedom to just be and see things not in a defined manner…just being! 
But ladies, The thing is, It is only human to step out, its natural and it is part of our learning, it is not bad nor is it good, it is just part of being human and part of the experience that we were meant to have so embrace your thoughts ladies but be conscious of love all the time… cannot go wrong with love!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

Tuesday, 30 September 2014

who am I,what am I?

I am re-posting this article , for i think it is an important part of our journey in this life, I don't know how many of you have read it, look at the answers from within or just read and never came back to it........ share the thought/s with friends and family and never get tired of asking the same question.

who am I?
 what am I ? 
 what am I here for? 

Why are we always looking for people’s understanding, appreciation and love? Are we not enough to love and appreciate our selves, why do we need people’s permission to love, cry, eat , breath, dance, walk ….why do we need people to tell us ...we are great, adorable, full of wonders and divine, don’t we know it ? why and why do we need assurance to live in our grandest form, to love god and us, why do we need assurance to be who we are, to love endlessly, to care, to abandon all thoughts and live in the present …why do we need permission and assurance……why do we allow judgment by others to rule our world, why do we judge others? Why do we allow pain, sorrow, anger to define us? Are we not unique and special, why do we allow ourselves to be victims?
Who are we…or to ask in a more personal form; 
who are you? what are you?
 Think deeply about this, not your name, not where you come from or who you came from but really, who are you?

The question again …WHO ARE YOU, WHAT ARE YOU? Are you appreciable, lovable, dynamic, great and a light on to all? Or are you pain, anger, frustration, ugly and so on…..
well, I am beautiful, divine and full of lights that spread with love, kindness and gratitude, I am an experience, absorbing all that I can learn in this short wonderful space, I am the light that shines within and outwards I am I the one that spreads her wings across without a limit I am wonders, sparkles and a drop within the largest of we all, I am I the co-creator , unique and beautiful , I am that with no word to describe, I am I, I am life
SO I ASK AGAIN, WHO AND WHAT ARE YOU? Think deeply, think freely and open yourself up for the answer, write it down……….. No matter how long, short or stupid you feel it is, don’t judge yourself, just write it down, remember nothing is stupid and nothing is wrong, keep asking yourself the same question till you can repeat it without thinking, compare your answers and see how you feel about it, you can share it with us here to help other sistas or you can have an open, truthful and simple conversation with your friend or family member about it. But remember keep asking till you are comfortable and in full acceptance of your answer.
For me ,I am amazing, I am me, I am love spreading its wings of light all through, I am one and I am…..but WHO AND WHAT ARE YOU?  Enjoy heaven letters below……

God said:
Beloveds, sometimes it is true that no one understands you. Even friends, even good friends, see only a fraction of you, or even mis-see. Everyone has a partial picture of you. No one knows you as well as I do.
People may think they know you and know you well, yet there is far more to you than the picture people see. People may even think they know you before they have laid eyes on you.
This seems like a pity, yet this is not a pity. This is how it is. You yourself don’t begin to know all the dimensions that lie within you. At the same time, you do know more of the layers that exist within you than others do. Pretty much, you do.
Not everyone surmises the same aspects of you. Some may even see opposite aspects.
Would that the world grasped your full content. Yet not even you do. There are sun’s rays you also have never noticed. You are a deep well.
Without full awareness of yourself, you nevertheless feel that others are to have a greater understanding of you than they do. If others really saw your light, it could be too much for them, yet it would be well worth their blazing through.

No question, odds are people undervalue you, including those who love you.

You are greater than the eye can see. There are ramifications of you that, so far, only I know. You may have a glimpse now and then, yet you don’t seem to know how to keep that glimpse in front of you. Something is missing from your perception. You also put yourself down simply by not seeing your full radiance.

Thankfully, I see. I take full credence in you. You are inevitably My sunshine.

Love is not blind in the sense I am speaking of. Love sees very well. I see very well. I wish you to grasp My vision and give fealty to it. Holy is My vision. Wholly is My vision. I hold you in Wholeness. Within My vision, lies the Truth of you, the bless-ed Truth. I blessed Myself with you. I blessed the Earth with you. I blessed the angels with you. You are My blessing.

Frankly, you are a gift I gave to Myself. I claim you more than as My partner. I claim you Myself. I did not create you for nothing. I created you for something. Holy is your name. I created you from the Wholeness I am.

No longer be dismayed that others do not see you as you deserve to be seen. Do not look for others’ approval or expect it, cry for it. Until a person can know himself, he cannot know the full range of you. So long as he underestimates himself, he will underestimate you.

Care no longer to be known. Care that you know your magnificence and that you estimate well all those seeming others on Earth. It is easier for My children to see terribleness than to see Truth. You are intended to be a proponent of Truth. Be it then. Be it. See it. Live it. Own it. Have it. Share it. Acknowledge it. Accept it, the Truth of you. You are My Holy Child. I hold you in good favor. Hold yourself the same.

You are a King or Queen on Earth, and I may be the only one Who knows. One day, you will join Me in the full knowledge of Who you are. You will also begin to see others in their full light. You are already the Light of the World, and you already shine it, yet your awareness lags behind. Oh, your awareness. May your awareness come to the fore right now. Honor yourself. Do not wait for others’ awareness. Wait for no man’s appraisal or approbation. Wait no longer for your own. Have it now.
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Monday, 22 September 2014


Why are we always looking for people’s understanding, appreciation, love and acceptance,why are we not just giving, why are we looking and yearning? Are we not enough to love and appreciate our selves,don't we have enough love and appreciation to share without receiving? why do we need people’s permission to love, cry, eat , breath, dance, walk,be us ….why do we need people to tell us we are great, adorable, full of wonders and divine, don’t we know? why and why do we need assurance to live in our grandest form, to love god and us, why do we need assurance to be who we are, to love endlessly, to care, to abandon all thoughts and live in the present we are …why do we need permission and assurance……why do we allow judgment by others to rule our world, why do we judge others? Why do we allow pain, sorrow, anger to define us? Are we not unique and special, why do we allow ourselves to be victims?

Who are we…or to ask properly who are you, what are you? Think deeply about this, not your name, not where you come from or who you came from but really, who are you?

The question again …WHO ARE YOU, WHAT ARE YOU? Are you appreciable, lovable, dynamic, great and a light on to all? Or are you pain, anger, frustration, ugly and so on…..

well, I am beautiful, divine and full of lights that spread with love, kindness and gratitude, I am an experience, absorbing all that I can learn in this short wonderful space, I am the light that shines within and outwards I am I the one that spreads her wings across without a limit I am wonders, sparkles and a drop within the largest of we all, I am I the co-creator , unique and beautiful , I am that with no word to describe, I am I, I am life
SO I ASK AGAIN WHO AND WHAT ARE YOU? Think deeply, think freely and open yourself up for the answer, write it down……….. No matter how long, short or stupid you feel it is, don’t judge yourself, just write it down, remember nothing is stupid and nothing is wrong, keep asking yourself the same question till you can repeat it without thinking, compare your answers and see how you feel about it, you can share it with us here to help other sisters or you can have an open, truthful and simple conversation with your friend or family member about it. But remember keep asking till you are comfortable and in full acceptance of your answer.

For me ,I am amazing, I am me, I am love spreading its wings of light all through, I am one and I am…..but WHO AND WHAT ARE YOU?  

Enjoy heaven letters below……

God said:
Beloveds, sometimes it is true that no one understands you. Even friends, even good friends, see only a fraction of you, or even mis-see. Everyone has a partial picture of you. No one knows you as well as I do.
People may think they know you and know you well, yet there is far more to you than the picture people see. People may even think they know you before they have laid eyes on you.
This seems like a pity, yet this is not a pity. This is how it is. You yourself don’t begin to know all the dimensions that lie within you. At the same time, you do know more of the layers that exist within you than others do. Pretty much, you do.
Not everyone surmises the same aspects of you. Some may even see opposite aspects.
Would that the world grasped your full content. Yet not even you do. There are sun’s rays you also have never noticed. You are a deep well.
Without full awareness of yourself, you nevertheless feel that others are to have a greater understanding of you than they do. If others really saw your light, it could be too much for them, yet it would be well worth their blazing through.

No question, odds are people undervalue you, including those who love you.

You are greater than the eye can see. There are ramifications of you that, so far, only I know. You may have a glimpse now and then, yet you don’t seem to know how to keep that glimpse in front of you. Something is missing from your perception. You also put yourself down simply by not seeing your full radiance.

Thankfully, I see. I take full credence in you. You are inevitably My sunshine.

Love is not blind in the sense I am speaking of. Love sees very well. I see very well. I wish you to grasp My vision and give fealty to it. Holy is My vision. Wholly is My vision. I hold you in Wholeness. Within My vision, lies the Truth of you, the bless-ed Truth. I blessed Myself with you. I blessed the Earth with you. I blessed the angels with you. You are My blessing.

Frankly, you are a gift I gave to Myself. I claim you more than as My partner. I claim you Myself. I did not create you for nothing. I created you for something. Holy is your name. I created you from the Wholeness I am.

No longer be dismayed that others do not see you as you deserve to be seen. Do not look for others’ approval or expect it, cry for it. Until a person can know himself, he cannot know the full range of you. So long as he underestimates himself, he will underestimate you.

Care no longer to be known. Care that you know your magnificence and that you estimate well all those seeming others on Earth. It is easier for My children to see terribleness than to see Truth. You are intended to be a proponent of Truth. Be it then. Be it. See it. Live it. Own it. Have it. Share it. Acknowledge it. Accept it, the Truth of you. You are My Holy Child. I hold you in good favor. Hold yourself the same.

You are a King or Queen on Earth, and I may be the only one Who knows. One day, you will join Me in the full knowledge of Who you are. You will also begin to see others in their full light. You are already the Light of the World, and you already shine it, yet your awareness lags behind. Oh, your awareness. May your awareness come to the fore right now. Honor yourself. Do not wait for others’ awareness. Wait for no man’s appraisal or approbation. Wait no longer for your own. Have it now.
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Thursday, 18 September 2014

"Me Time";what ever I do , I decide and it is all about me!

You know when I started with the idea of having a blog, what I had in mind and still do is to create a ‘me time’ for ladies, a space where we can have the time to read or write or share things that we think will benefit our sisters out there, I wanted us to have that few minutes a day where we have the opportunity to learn from each other, to grow with each other and to just be…..a space where we can paint with our pen…..ask questions and stir up conversations(astonishing ones for that matter!) I called it cuddles and giggles because that was the picture I had in mind, that was what I saw, a place where love resonates and learning blooms, a place we build together adding what we need as we grow, a place where diversity speaks one language and that is the ‘me time’. A friend send the below good life issue to me and it reminded me of what my blog was all about…..I hope you enjoy reading it. Remember ladies get a ‘me time’ and don’t feel guilty about it, just be…..

The Good Life Issue 109

How much “me time” do you take every day? I’m not asking how much you get, but how much you take. Because, my friend, chances are you’re not taking enough, and you need to.

We can’t give to others when our own energy tank is depleted, right? Career, kids, relationships, home chores… it all adds up to a lot on everyone’s plate. We look longingly toward a few minutes or hours here and there of life without responsibilities and in the meantime, we become resentful and exhausted because we’re not pausing to refill our energy tanks.

Here’s how to make it possible to take “me time” every day so that you have what it takes to face the world:
  • ·         Say no. You have a right to say no.
  • ·         Let go (delegate). Someone else might do the job better, and love it.
  • ·         Ask for help. It’s okay. As much as you help, isn’t it your Turn?
  • ·         Stop being a perfectionist. Simply do your best.
  • ·         Don’t multitask. Do one thing at a time, do it right and move on. It’s more efficient.
  • ·         Prioritize.

That should open up some time for you. And now that you have time, how do you make a graceful escape? Just do it. Tell everyone you’re going to take 20 minutes to unplug from the world. The world isn’t going to come crashing down in 20 minutes. If you disappear for 20 minutes, people won’t panic. Get used to 20 minutes, every day, for YOU.

Make a quick exit and stick to your plan - NO chores, work, kids, spouse, house, pet, dinner… just you. If you’re married with kids, trade off “me time” with your spouse.

It’s easy to lose sight of the things that truly nourish and energize us. We feel guilty when we aren’t doing something - “I’m not being productive!” or doing less - “I’m being lazy!” But when did it become okay to keep driving hard, and never stop? Are you a cog in a machine, or a human being?

So… what do you “do” when you’re taking “me time”? Well, the short answer is, “whatever you want!” Here are some suggestions - but remember, it’s your life so don’t listen to me… do what YOU want:
  • ·         Be. DO nothing for a while. And don’t feel guilty about recharging your batteries!
  • ·         Exercise. Yes, exercise invigorates you!
  • ·         Do what you love. Passion and energy feed each other

Meditation is a fabulous “me time” treat. When you meditate every day, you energize your body, clear your head and let go of the guilt of “not doing.” It helps you prioritize and be okay with letting go of things, responsibilities, activities and even people that drain you.

When you think about letting go of things and people that drain you, you may worry about loss. It could be fear of losing a friend who might be hurt that you didn’t want to be in her book club; or losing the respect of your peers if you take a weekend off… but instead of focusing on that imaginary loss, what about focusing on what you will gain?

Picture your ideal lifestyle. What are the components of that lifestyle? I’m willing to bet they include some “me time.” So take that time now, energize yourself, and start making that ideal life a reality.

Have a great week,

Yours for HUGE success,

Michael Mackenzie
Project Meditation®

Wednesday, 17 September 2014

Uplift Your Spirit With The Five Reiki Principles

I always love reading the Reiki Principles because they are a reminder of how we should live day to day, they are simple, interesting and if we try them we will be happier and less troubled! Life is filled with choices and deciding to pick a choice that is simple and yet allows you to experience life in the most profound way is the best decision you can make. This are 5 steps that allows you to breath , smile, experience life in love and unity, be fully involve in life wonders and what helps kick all unwanted thoughts away!so what more ladies…..for a day enjoy the Reiki principles and see the exquisiteness and marvels of what you call life…..have a great day practicing the simple Reiki teachings!!!!!!!!!!!!

Sometimes all we need are a few little statements that lift our spirit first thing in the morning and set a positive tone throughout the day. Deep sentences that when read or written down can refresh our thinking and shift our focus to what’s important.
Here are the five reiki principles that when read can bring you closer to a more inspiring way of thinking:
1. “Just For Today, I Will Not Be Angry.”
Anger towards the others, towards oneself or towards the whole world is one of the most complex inner enemies, creating blockages in one’s energy flow. These blockages accumulate into your body over years and cause disease and organ dysfunctions.
Look yourself in the mirror and observe your thinking when you’re angry, observe how your breath and your heart accelerate, feel your blood pressure growing up and admit how harmful and toxic this is for you.
Reiki can help you remain calm in any situation, stay in control, of your emotions and enjoy the best of every situation. Instead of being angry, remember how silly you look when you’re angry and how harmful this is for your heart, for your breath, for your blood pressure and ask yourself if your body deserves to receive a dose of this pure poison of anger.
“Letting go of Anger brings Peace into the Mind.”
2. “Just For Today, I Will Not Worry.”
It is always healthier not to worry, but if this is causing you blockages then you definitely should do something about it. Some people are excessively dwelling upon an unreasonable amount of worries and concerns, which is just sabotaging their own actions.
They block themselves into a passive-worried mode, becoming unable to make a decision because of all the aggravation. Try to enjoy your day without worrying about anything. Just for today.
“Letting go of Worry brings Healing into the Body.”
3. “Just For Today, I Will Be Grateful.”
Instead of focusing on everything that you don’t have, put your attention on all the blessings in your life and just be grateful about it. More than 50% of the population is living in miserable conditions, suffers from hunger and diseases.
There are still so many areas in the world without current water, electricity, not to mention the luxury of the internet and other things that we take for granted every day. Take a minute and be grateful for all that you have, enjoy every little thing, every word, every smile, your slices of bread with peanut butter and say “Thank you” to all the people in your life that make you feel good.
“Being Thankful brings Joy into the Spirit.”
4. “Just For Today, I Will Do My Work Honestly.“
As a response to the Universe’s gift for you, manifest your gratitude by taking responsibility for the work that has been given to you. Even if you might find that your job is so much below your full potential, just for today, try to do the best you can and be proud of yourself.
Take responsibility for every task that you’re given and be a perfectionist in every little thing you do. Everything that you do with honesty will bring you tremendous satisfaction and self-appreciation.
“Working honestly brings Abundance into the Soul.”
5. “Just For Today, I Will Be Kind To Every Living Thing.”
Honor your parents, your teachers, your beloved, your friends, your children and all the living beings by being kind with all of them.
“Being Kind brings Love into the Will.”

The whole idea is to boost your spirit and sense of well-being – just for today – with these five simple sentences. The key here is to feel and know in your heart that these five principles are true and are deeply connecting you with your higher self and divine energy

Source: Psychics Universe

Thursday, 11 September 2014

Words; so beautiful

Silence I take in
Words I strain to understand
Love I feel
Freedom from words I flew
Flew up the hills and far into a world filled with wonders
Joyous serenity of love and happiness, light as silk I flew and flew
Stillness, floating like petals of sweet smelling roses
Sweet silence I take in……wisdom becomes I
I becomes I am as I float in oneness and in tranquility
Covered in varied colors of light …I still flew

Words are beautiful and words are amazing especially if we allow them to come from within us, straight from the heart and meant for love and being compassionate. But attaching too much to the simple meaning of words can be quite harmful to us, words are alphabets put together to give a meaning, a meaning that sometimes does not make sense, a meaning that  can hunt, a meaning that can hurt or even destroy us if we allow it to . We can say the same words but get different interpretation, we all see and hear things differently, words are just words and the so called “ugly” words should not have the negative effect we allow them to have on us, they are just words!!!!!
A good friend of mine posted this quote from Eckhart Tolle, in his book -  'A New Earth - Awakening to Your Life's Purpose on her face book page and it does make a lot of sense, here it is:

 «The quicker you are in attaching verbal or mental labels to things, people, or situations, the more shallow and lifeless your reality becomes, and the more deadened you become to reality, the miracle of life that continuously unfolds within and around you. In this way cleverness may be gained, but wisdom is lost, and so are joy, love, creativity and aliveness. They are concealed in the still gap between the perception and the interpretation. Of course we have to use words and thoughts. They have their own beauty; but do we need to become imprisoned in them? 
Words reduce reality to something the human mind can grasp, which isn't very much.»

We really can’t give everything we see or hear a meaning; life is more than that….let us live and allow love ,appreciation ,amazement  and  the wonders of life not to pass us by  , let us not attach words or meaning to the simplest and the most beautiful things we see or hear, let us  relax  in it and allow it to take us  away… let it bring out the life in us , the beauty in us and the love and creativity that is in us….Allow silence and just appreciating whatever you see or hear be the first, just silence and peace ,just watch in awe…… Use words and labels wisely but never get attach to it, they are just words and labels sisters, nothing more; we find ourselves in all sorts of situations and it is to us how we want it to be, if we think or decide it is hurtful then it will bring us a lot of pain and anger  but if we think or decide it is funny then funny it will be, if we do decide to just flow in it and open up to it and let it define itself within us and learn from  it ,the light from that situation will shine itself  and the understanding meant for us will be there at the end. We meet people, things happen for different reasons and opening up to learning from every new adventure in our life (I call meeting people and things happening in my life as adventures…lol… they are adventures when you really  think about it, it is like watching a movie sometimes with all the characters!!!!!…) is beautiful and fulfilling……. Life is too adventurous to waste on labelling, naming and making sense …….let us live ladies.

Wednesday, 10 September 2014

Heavenletters : Beyond Boundaries

Another beautiful letter from heaven letters, i could not resist sharing it with you ladies, we are who we want to be we should never limit ourselves.......we are such powerful souls.......

 September 9, 2014 

God said:

Take a deep breath. You do not need to be in the thrall of upset. It is not so important that you are right or wrong. It is important that you keep your balance. The world is fraught with distress. You do not have to be.

Even when your rights are being infringed upon, you can remove yourself from aggravation. Even if you are handcuffed, and you are innocent, you can be handcuffed and let the aggravation go. You have to, beloveds. It may seem to you that you are at the mercy of the world, yet it is you who has to be merciful to yourself. You may be bound hand and foot, yet you do not have to tie yourself up in knots. Let your emotional life be under your jurisdiction.

The world can toss you around. That does not mean that you yourself have to be in league with upset.

Sure, you may be tossed around by the waves of life, yet you can maintain steadiness within yourself. You have to, or you are at the whim of life, blown about by the winds.

Of course, you want the world to be merciful to you. Meanwhile, count on yourself, beloveds. Meanwhile, count on your own mercy. Meanwhile is right now. Right now is your call.

You do have say over how you interact with life.

If you don’t like frustration, then do not let frustrating events frustrate you. You can lean in the direction of being unbound. You can admit the possibility. If life has denied you in some way, makes you run through hoops, closes doors in your face or whatever, you, beloved, are a soul, and souls do not have to take orders from the world at large. You are more than a bouncing ball. You have steadiness within you. You do not have to take on all the colors of your environment. You are not exclusively a reactor.

You can be cool under the sun.

You do not have to be a warrior or a boxer in life. You do not have to put your dukes up because life seems to invite you to fight. Even in confinement, you have choices.

You are not made of hard metal. You are not a robot who is programmed. You have the capacity to rebound from every situation. Regardless of anything, you can come shining through. You are a human being, and you have inner resources. You are bendable. You can bend to your will and not necessarily someone else’s.

What you make of your situation is what you make of it. You are the decider of defeat. You are the decider of strength. You have the capacity to interpret yourself to yourself and to the world. I am not speaking of a brave front. I am speaking of the intelligence and power that are yours.

That you can overcome may have many meanings. Fighting isn’t your only prerogative. Nor is succumbing. You may be in the situation you are in, whatever it may be, yet you are spirit, and spirit is not confined to the world of walls or chains or anything. Just as when you go into a department store, looking for a shirt, you have a selection to choose from. As a human being made of spirit, you have choices available to you. You have the opportunity to be what you want to be. How do you want to conduct yourself? What do you want to be?

I do not speak of a performance to show the world. I am speaking of your heart which can be what you want it to be. You can put up your dukes, or you can present the palms of your hands. Of course, you can rise above situations and roles you are cast in. You can go beyond boundaries. Of course, you can surprise yourself.

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Tuesday, 9 September 2014

Dreams;big,small and fabulous........

Dreams are an essential part of us, it allow us to grow, to be happy and to blossom in whatever we are doing. Without dreams there is no life, life will be unexciting, unchanged, un adventurous, slow and unimaginable…so we dream. Our dreams have been killed as women for a very long time, we have been told that a woman should not dream, her only dream should be about the growth of her husband, the growth of his ambition not hers and the growth of her children, her father but never hers! The sweetness and rush of anxiety brought by our dreams have been shut down in us Women, we deny our dreams and we hide behind a curtain of no dreams…we live but a life without a dream is not a life……we need to start dreaming and dreaming more and more for life is at its finest with a dream, it is the essence of our soul, the food it needs… is our future…it reminds us of all the possibilities….. all the wonders….. and all the presence of life…..lets dream women, it is who we are, don’t deny yourself that pleasure because someone felt you do not deserve it, you deserve to dream, to dream as big or as small as you want……Neale Donald Walsh puts it in a lovely way……he reminded me of the importance of dreaming and now I am reminding you in his words…..

                                                 “On this day of your life,
Rahina, I believe God wants you to know...    

...that dreams get you into the future
and add excitement to the present.

Robert Conklin said that, and he was right.
So dream away, and dream often, and dream big.
And never let anyone talk you out of your dreams.

What is your dream today? Is it vast enough, bold enough,
to hold your soul? Oh, I must have forgotten to tell you.
Dreams are the container of the soul.
That is, they are the Holding Place of God.

So dream big, yes, because the bigger you dream
the more of God you let in!”