Tuesday 9 September 2014

Dreams;big,small and fabulous........

Dreams are an essential part of us, it allow us to grow, to be happy and to blossom in whatever we are doing. Without dreams there is no life, life will be unexciting, unchanged, un adventurous, slow and unimaginable…so we dream. Our dreams have been killed as women for a very long time, we have been told that a woman should not dream, her only dream should be about the growth of her husband, the growth of his ambition not hers and the growth of her children, her father but never hers! The sweetness and rush of anxiety brought by our dreams have been shut down in us Women, we deny our dreams and we hide behind a curtain of no dreams…we live but a life without a dream is not a life……we need to start dreaming and dreaming more and more for life is at its finest with a dream, it is the essence of our soul, the food it needs…..it is our future…it reminds us of all the possibilities….. all the wonders….. and all the presence of life…..lets dream women, it is who we are, don’t deny yourself that pleasure because someone felt you do not deserve it, you deserve to dream, to dream as big or as small as you want……Neale Donald Walsh puts it in a lovely way……he reminded me of the importance of dreaming and now I am reminding you in his words…..

                                                 “On this day of your life,
Rahina, I believe God wants you to know...    

...that dreams get you into the future
and add excitement to the present.

Robert Conklin said that, and he was right.
So dream away, and dream often, and dream big.
And never let anyone talk you out of your dreams.

What is your dream today? Is it vast enough, bold enough,
to hold your soul? Oh, I must have forgotten to tell you.
Dreams are the container of the soul.
That is, they are the Holding Place of God.

So dream big, yes, because the bigger you dream
the more of God you let in!”


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