Monday 22 September 2014


Why are we always looking for people’s understanding, appreciation, love and acceptance,why are we not just giving, why are we looking and yearning? Are we not enough to love and appreciate our selves,don't we have enough love and appreciation to share without receiving? why do we need people’s permission to love, cry, eat , breath, dance, walk,be us ….why do we need people to tell us we are great, adorable, full of wonders and divine, don’t we know? why and why do we need assurance to live in our grandest form, to love god and us, why do we need assurance to be who we are, to love endlessly, to care, to abandon all thoughts and live in the present we are …why do we need permission and assurance……why do we allow judgment by others to rule our world, why do we judge others? Why do we allow pain, sorrow, anger to define us? Are we not unique and special, why do we allow ourselves to be victims?

Who are we…or to ask properly who are you, what are you? Think deeply about this, not your name, not where you come from or who you came from but really, who are you?

The question again …WHO ARE YOU, WHAT ARE YOU? Are you appreciable, lovable, dynamic, great and a light on to all? Or are you pain, anger, frustration, ugly and so on…..

well, I am beautiful, divine and full of lights that spread with love, kindness and gratitude, I am an experience, absorbing all that I can learn in this short wonderful space, I am the light that shines within and outwards I am I the one that spreads her wings across without a limit I am wonders, sparkles and a drop within the largest of we all, I am I the co-creator , unique and beautiful , I am that with no word to describe, I am I, I am life
SO I ASK AGAIN WHO AND WHAT ARE YOU? Think deeply, think freely and open yourself up for the answer, write it down……….. No matter how long, short or stupid you feel it is, don’t judge yourself, just write it down, remember nothing is stupid and nothing is wrong, keep asking yourself the same question till you can repeat it without thinking, compare your answers and see how you feel about it, you can share it with us here to help other sisters or you can have an open, truthful and simple conversation with your friend or family member about it. But remember keep asking till you are comfortable and in full acceptance of your answer.

For me ,I am amazing, I am me, I am love spreading its wings of light all through, I am one and I am…..but WHO AND WHAT ARE YOU?  

Enjoy heaven letters below……

God said:
Beloveds, sometimes it is true that no one understands you. Even friends, even good friends, see only a fraction of you, or even mis-see. Everyone has a partial picture of you. No one knows you as well as I do.
People may think they know you and know you well, yet there is far more to you than the picture people see. People may even think they know you before they have laid eyes on you.
This seems like a pity, yet this is not a pity. This is how it is. You yourself don’t begin to know all the dimensions that lie within you. At the same time, you do know more of the layers that exist within you than others do. Pretty much, you do.
Not everyone surmises the same aspects of you. Some may even see opposite aspects.
Would that the world grasped your full content. Yet not even you do. There are sun’s rays you also have never noticed. You are a deep well.
Without full awareness of yourself, you nevertheless feel that others are to have a greater understanding of you than they do. If others really saw your light, it could be too much for them, yet it would be well worth their blazing through.

No question, odds are people undervalue you, including those who love you.

You are greater than the eye can see. There are ramifications of you that, so far, only I know. You may have a glimpse now and then, yet you don’t seem to know how to keep that glimpse in front of you. Something is missing from your perception. You also put yourself down simply by not seeing your full radiance.

Thankfully, I see. I take full credence in you. You are inevitably My sunshine.

Love is not blind in the sense I am speaking of. Love sees very well. I see very well. I wish you to grasp My vision and give fealty to it. Holy is My vision. Wholly is My vision. I hold you in Wholeness. Within My vision, lies the Truth of you, the bless-ed Truth. I blessed Myself with you. I blessed the Earth with you. I blessed the angels with you. You are My blessing.

Frankly, you are a gift I gave to Myself. I claim you more than as My partner. I claim you Myself. I did not create you for nothing. I created you for something. Holy is your name. I created you from the Wholeness I am.

No longer be dismayed that others do not see you as you deserve to be seen. Do not look for others’ approval or expect it, cry for it. Until a person can know himself, he cannot know the full range of you. So long as he underestimates himself, he will underestimate you.

Care no longer to be known. Care that you know your magnificence and that you estimate well all those seeming others on Earth. It is easier for My children to see terribleness than to see Truth. You are intended to be a proponent of Truth. Be it then. Be it. See it. Live it. Own it. Have it. Share it. Acknowledge it. Accept it, the Truth of you. You are My Holy Child. I hold you in good favor. Hold yourself the same.

You are a King or Queen on Earth, and I may be the only one Who knows. One day, you will join Me in the full knowledge of Who you are. You will also begin to see others in their full light. You are already the Light of the World, and you already shine it, yet your awareness lags behind. Oh, your awareness. May your awareness come to the fore right now. Honor yourself. Do not wait for others’ awareness. Wait for no man’s appraisal or approbation. Wait no longer for your own. Have it now.
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