Friday, 13 June 2014

Sometimes all we need are a few little statements that lift our spirit first thing in the morning and set a positive tone throughout the day. Deep sentences that when read or written down can refresh our thinking and shift our focus to what’s important.
Here are the five reiki principles that when read can bring you closer to a more inspiring way of thinking:

1. “Just For Today, I Will Not Be Angry.”

Anger towards the others, towards oneself or towards the whole world is one of the most complex inner enemies, creating blockages in one’s energy flow. These blockages accumulate into your body over years and cause disease and organ dysfunctions.

Look yourself in the mirror and observe your thinking when you’re angry, observe how your breath and your heart accelerate, feel your blood pressure growing up and admit how harmful and toxic this is for you.

Reiki can help you remain calm in any situation, stay in control, of your emotions and enjoy the best of every situation. Instead of being angry, remember how silly you look when you’re angry and how harmful this is for your heart, for your breath, for your blood pressure and ask yourself if your body deserves to receive a dose of this pure poison of anger.

“Letting go of Anger brings Peace into the Mind.”

2. “Just For Today, I Will Not Worry.”

It is always healthier not to worry, but if this is causing you blockages then you definitely should do something about it. Some people are excessively dwelling upon an unreasonable amount of worries and concerns, which is just sabotaging their own actions.

They block themselves into a passive-worried mode, becoming unable to make a decision because of all the aggravation. Try to enjoy your day without worrying about anything. Just for today.

“Letting go of Worry brings Healing into the Body.”

3. “Just For Today, I Will Be Grateful.”

Instead of focusing on everything that you don’t have, put your attention on all the blessings in your life and just be grateful about it. More than 50% of the population is living in miserable conditions, suffers from hunger and diseases.

There are still so many areas in the world without current water, electricity, not to mention the luxury of the internet and other things that we take for granted every day. Take a minute and be grateful for all that you have, enjoy every little thing, every word, every smile, your slices of bread with peanut butter and say “Thank you” to all the people in your life that make you feel good.

“Being Thankful brings Joy into the Spirit.”

4. “Just For Today, I Will Do My Work Honestly.

As a response to the Universe’s gift for you, manifest your gratitude by taking responsibility for the work that has been given to you. Even if you might find that your job is so much below your full potential, just for today, try to do the best you can and be proud of yourself.

Take responsibility for every task that you’re given and be a perfectionist in every little thing you do. Everything that you do with honesty will bring you tremendous satisfaction and self-appreciation.

“Working honestly brings Abundance into the Soul.”

5. “Just For Today, I Will Be Kind To Every Living Thing.”

Honor your parents, your teachers, your beloved, your friends, your children and all the living beings by being kind with all of them.

“Being Kind brings Love into the Will.”
The whole idea is to boost your spirit and sense of well-being – just for today – with these five simple sentences. The key here is to feel and know in your heart that these five principles are true and are deeply connecting you with your higher self and divine energy


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