Friday, 13 June 2014


You are an alive and vibrant be-ing

Created from pure utter love and light.

Whose purpose is to spread the love and light to other creations.

You have the freedom of words to express your thoughts  so authentically and truthfully.

You have the freedom in the heart to  express compassion and care.

You have the freedom of choice to create the experience and vision of your grandest true self.

So why does one forsake these gifts of freedom?

The Divine's ultimate gift to all thy creations is the freedom of love.

So dear one - think it, express it, be it, share it and encapsulate it.

Then observe the exuberance of the light beam through you and all, by simply loving and being love.

Dear one, clearly observe how the impact of this gift is rippled and quadrupled.

~From Precious Poems By The Divine - received through Neelam

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