Monday, 23 June 2014

I read something very interesting from Neale Walsch and I thought I should share.......

On this day of your life,...
Rahina, I believe God wants you to know...  

...that the struggle ends when the gratitude begins

The search is over when the finding starts. And the

finding is not a finding at all, but a creating. You cannot

find what you have been struggling for, but you can

create it. And the jump-start of creation is gratitude.

Thank you, God, for helping me to know that all that

I seek is coming to me now. Thank you, God, for

allowing me to feel, right now, the peace that comes

with gratitude for what is, replacing the yearning for

what is not. Thank you for bringing me the understanding

that from the isness comes all that is now not, but will

surely be. Let me stay, then, in the isness.
You know exactly what this message is telling you today.

Love,  Your Friend .....
I get this encouragement and words of wisdom from Neale once in a while , they always make me think a lot and do things differently.... enjoy

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