Thursday, 7 May 2015

Turning 39……

In February 2015 I turned 39. It was a birthday filled with mixed feelings; feelings of Thankfulness and feelings of sadness. Thankfulness for being Me....for trying to understand and loving me, gentle sadness with pure simple thoughts of it took me 39 years to start learning and appreciating me, life, love my silent moment on that day I ask myself how did I allow myself to be in my 30s before I understood the meaning of living, why did I waste so much years struggling when life can be as simple as I make it? But then on second thoughts I say to myself I am glad it took that long for the learning was worth it... I know why I am here I am glad that I found out the simple things that makes life great, the simple beautiful logic behind life before my 40th birthday ...which to me is to love and to be grateful for this amazing experience we call life. This thought makes me happy for I realize that my life is just beginning...... And my learning is just opening up to more and more, I am like a vacuum getting filled up with knowledge every second.

Now I understand the concept of being quite, of being alone and knowing me, the concept of loving and giving without expecting anything, the meaning of selflessness. I think I know a bit on all this and my heart is open to learning more and more each day as the sun comes up

At different points of my 30s I have learnt so many vital lessons, some through very painful experiences and some while just being me the 'aha' moment comes. Life I have realize is the way you make it, it is all disco with bright lights if you want it and it is all so sad and difficult, swallowing you in misery if you let it.....taking things as the come and accepting it fully and living it fully has brighten up very dark moments for me, it has not been easy but then nothing ever was or everything ever is….it all depends on how you look at it.

....but who am I 39 I am still exploring , still learning and still taking aback by the beauty called life.... now I can laugh over things, smile and define what I  want in a charming way, get angry, jealous , pained and more but I remember to breath and I remember to remind myself that it is just life and I can sit here and have tantrums or just be grateful , accept and learn more and grow more and just live in the moment, I have learnt in life tantrums don't get you anywhere , it is just a filled up , crowded bus stop with so many passengers waiting and so I have learn to pack my bags light and hop on the camel and hump up and down than wait at the bus stop......... It makes my journey faster and easier

Simple pleasures, quite moments and gentle kisses and hugs from my adorable boys sparks my day , I realize that living life fully at all moments and appreciating everything that comes my way brings much more happiness. I realize love is not something I wish for; it is something I am, something I do, something I give away and vibrate in is me ....I am love in its purest form.

Understanding that everyone around me is "me" in a different form and humans are a race of One , reminding myself that we are all one ,with the same air to breath and one earth to house us all but diverse in our own little ways... Understanding the beauty in God and my oneness with God in a unique and gratifying way has made me strong and free. To me the appreciation that Life is all about learning and acceptance in our diversity as humans has made me see the beauty in everyone and in everything that I do and I am still learning all these in my 30s.

Sometimes in awe of life I ask myself did I learn to slow , did I miss so many learning opportunities and special moments because I was blind for so long , did things that would have made me different past me by? I wonder but then it downed on me that from my birth to me being 39 was a learning experience and things that past me by , things I did not realize till now and those moments that I assumed lost were all part of my learning....this is the time that I chose to open up to who I am and to see the world in all of its beauty . So no time was moments were lost.... Things are the way they are supposed to be and my alignment is in tune.

So , I am 39 still trying to love life and live life to the fullest I can with 2 adorable boys and a great man beside me that are all part of my learning and my gratitude to this life , And most of all to myself as I grow in understanding of who and what I am ,  what is my purpose in this beautiful and amazing thing ....experience ....concept....growth...we call LIFE.

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