Thursday, 30 October 2014


Well what do you think of the below;did it get you thinking.....asking questions and wondering.......

     It’s not a small thing to be wrong about God.  And if nearly everyone on the planet is wrong about God, it’s really not a small thing.
     If nearly everyone on the planet has mistaken notions about God, then nearly everything that everyone on the planet is doing will not work the way it was intended.
     This is because the basis of so much of what they’re doing is found in so many of their beliefs about God.
     Think not?
     Think again.
     Nearly all of civilization’s modern laws emerged from the early rules and laws of some faith tradition. Nearly all of humanity’s moral codes derive from the mandates of a religion. Nearly every political movement and economic theory is based on ideas of justice, right-and-wrong, and basic fairness first espoused by spiritual teachers.
     Even those who don’t believe in God are impacted and guided by many of the fundamental principles placed into the Cultural Story by those who do.
     And a striking number of the personal decisions made by billions of individuals across the globe are made within the context of what they believe to be the purpose of life, what they believe happens when this life is over, what they believe about God, and about what God wants.
     So it’s not a small thing to be wrong about God.
     Proposition: Not one of the systems we have put into place to make life better on this planet is working.
     Wait. It’s worse.
     Not only have the systems we have put into place failed to produce the outcomes for which they were intended—they are actually producing exactly the opposite.
     I have made this point before, in a number of books I have written. I believe it is worth repeating, with emphasis.
     Our political systems are actually increasing disagreement and disarray. Our economic systems are actually increasing poverty and the gulf between the rich and the poor. Our ecological systems are actually increasing environmental degradation.
     Our health care systems are actually increasing inequality of access to modern medicines and health care services. Our educational systems are actually increasing the knowledge gap. Our social systems are actually increasing disparity, disharmony, and injustice.
     And, perhaps saddest of all, our spiritual systems are actually increasingrighteousness, intolerance, anger, hatred, violence, and war.
     If the improvement of human life upon the earth were a laboratory experiment, it would have long ago been considered an abject failure.
     Indeed, an appalling disaster.
     Not everyone agrees. There are those who believe that humanity is evolving to higher and higher levels of sophistication and achievement, producing a better and better quality of life for all the members of our species.
     It is possible that they would not, however, be among the 842 million people (one in eight in the world) who do not have enough to eat. It is certain that they would not be the parents of the over 650 children who die of starvation every hour.
     They would presumably not be among the 20.9 million women and children who are bought and sold into commercial sexual servitude every year.
     They would also, one imagines, not be among the over three billion people who live on less than $2.50 a day, or the billions who have no access to health care. (Some 19,000 children die each day from preventable health issues, such as malaria, diarrhea, and pneumonia.)
     They would probably also not be among the 1.7 billion people who lack clean water, or the 2.6 billion without basic sanitation, or the 1.6 billion people—a quarter of humanity—who live without electricity.
     That’s right. In the first quarter of the twenty-first century, 2.6 billion people live without toilets, and 1.6 billion without electricity.
     How is this possible?, you might ask. And that is a very good question.
     It is an especially good question given that humanity imagines itself to be a “civilized” species. To the people in the above categories, the “civilization of Civilization” has not even begun.
     A planet where 5 percent of the population owns or controls 95 percent of the wealth and resources—and where most of that 5 percent think this is perfectly okay, even as unconscionable numbers languish in lack and suffering—would not seem to be a planet on which a great deal of humanitarian advancement has been achieved.
     All of this is possible because of the collective values of those people who can do something about it. And where do those values come from? I suggest they derive in large part from the well-intentioned, but mistaken, beliefs about God held by many human beings—including those who do not believe in God at all.
     Does anybody care that our species has been such a failure—or why?
     Does anybody imagine it has not been?
     Does anybody want to know how this whole situation can be turned around in the blink of an eye?
     Does anyone want to know how his or her own personal life can be changed for the better with the embracing of a single idea?
     Do you? Do you want to know?
(If you do, you may wish to read more from GOD’S MESSAGE TO THE WORLD: You’ve Got Me All WrongThe above narrative forms the first chapter of that book, released Oct 23. To read four more sample chapters, go here. )

Friday, 10 October 2014

Becoming me!

I could not help but share this, my friend Dee Meyer with KA'ryna SH'ha shared it on Facebook and it makes so much sense to me on how I feel as a woman, how i feel in expressing myself or being who I am , the urge and need to be myself but then the holding back and the pain of not really living to my full human / feminine potential. Life is so much bigger than we imagine it to be, so much more to learn and explore if we allow ourselves the courage too. Enjoy the below with an open mind, read the lines to understand it in your own way and allow the courage of love, experience and growth to be with you .

“My Blood Moon Mysteries Revealed…
The dam broke open in me last night….spilled over in a raging torrent of grace-filled love. I wept, I raged and I screamed my way through a night of full activations and awakenings. Railed against my own judgments, spewing out long held desires and deep dark remembrances. It was time for the woman in me to rise into the goddess waiting to be seen.
I let thoughts move through like quicksilver beading in a super-heated crucible. I demanded to know what right the divine had in holding me hostage in this sea of insanity! I made my pleas known to the divine mother. I called out to the mother again and again. I called her out…for all of her hiding. I called myself out for all of my own (hiding). 
A raging sexual fever /fervor of passionate awareness engulfed me as I felt the goddess in me quiver and ignite. I called myself on the hot-seat for my placating and obedience to niceness and kindness at the expense of the voice that waits for expression. I openly and loudly confronted my prejudices and ignorance. Self-judgments were shredded into tiny filaments as I held these mysterious beliefs up to the light of the womb of being. 
I swore loudly and yelled knowingly, howling at the injustices plaguing my life and all beings. A raging fiery river of love filled me with such a passion that it exploded in an implosive field of awareness.
I came to know the most suppressed parts of my being I could no longer contain. Convulsive waves ripped through me moment by moment until my whole body was set aflame. Condition after condition of conditional beliefs arose to be annihilated in the flaming rituals of my Grace-induced Transcendence. 
I could no longer hold back the force of my being brithng in multiple dimensions. I knew that all I could do was let it all fall apart into the arms of the all-embracing Love emerging form my soul! There was’/is no way to contain the darkness enfolding in the mystery of the unknown arising in me.
I was possessed by the spirit of the holy of holies…the mother substance drowned this girl in a bath of sorrow-filled grief. Grief for letting something beautiful and aware be contracted and hid. The raw truth escaped like steam form an over-heated kettle. 
Time for this being to speak her truth, sing her song, light her path….beat her fist into the beating heart of the Mother-Lodge. Time for this woman to meet herself and make peace with the power of the Father she loves. The true father who oversees not overbears. 
The true father, who lovingly respects and guards the feminine, not the father who oppresses and denies her voice. 
Make peace with the Mother of all embodiment's within me…and face the father of all being who shares knowledge of the tree of light.
I wasn't going to back down…I wouldn't give in until I heard the sound arising from the breath all creation. 
In those moments of total insanity I found my way to total sanity. My voice became a bell ringing out. The peeling bells of gnosis spoke to me and said, “ rage and grow quiet, scream and be still, unravel and be opened by the mighty sound….the voice of the thunder precedes the lightening of dawn….the human form can no longer be contained! 
Your wildness is the answer to all you seek…let the living rivers of light transfigure your heart into pure radiance….it is time to set your whole self free!” 
I am now in the process of liberating the cause within my being. I do not know where this will lead. I only know it is time to be unto the holy presence that arises to me this loving moment of truth unspoken.
Transmission after transmission is flooding in....after the storm comes the calming realization of what is to come.
As I share this, the most vulnerable part of my heart shakes… with the awareness of this naked soul exposing all that she is.”

Friday, 3 October 2014


Of love
I look within me with the silence of a lovers whisper
I float on the wind as light as a feather spreading petals of love
Reaching out to embrace the full flesh of life and dance within its romance
Of Anger
I stretch full to the throne blowing sparks of anger
Heavy and unforgiving, tired for life was dark
Mighty I stand looking down and drain of love and sweet whispers
Finally moments of silence, engulf in the full embrace of a lover
Moments ………

Neale Donald Walsch in one of his book in the conversation with god series wrote: I quote…. “There have been moments in my life when I have entertained unkind thoughts. I have also said things in my life that I do not feel proud of. And I can remember times when I have acted in ways that contradicted my best intentions. I suppose each and every one of us can remember at least one time in our lives when our thoughts, words, and actions were not in alignment with our Highest Self, instances when we functioned from a place of fear and not from a place of love, moments when we knew at a very deep and certain level that we had stepped off the path of clarity”
We have all had those moments in our lives; moments where we have entertain terrible thoughts and wish dreadful things to people we love. We have had our moments of lying, cheating and being just that so called ‘evil’ step sister or friend. We have had moments where we try to do something we felt was right or help someone close to us and it turns out selfish and goes horribly wrong.  We have all had our share of actin selfishly and nasty, sometimes to get something we thought we wanted or just out of fear.
A very good friend of mine Melissa; who I am hoping will soon write about this and give a lot of people an easy and simple way of understanding self and life( I cannot wait to read her book!) describes the above in a very beautiful way that made so much sense to me… she drew a circle with a ripple effect, with the center as the highest self-level of being  and the larger end of the ripple as the lowest self –level of being. She explained that we all find ourselves moving within the highest and the lowest level of being (highest and lowest self) and many of us find ourselves in the middle ;not being high nor low. Sometimes we are aware and sometimes we are unconscious of it, the decisions we make, how we listen to people, how we see things and who we are reflects the level of being we are in at that particular time. Some of us never get to the lowest or highest self-level but hang in between and enjoy the floating of just being there. Some of us move to the highest level and live consciously and experience the wonders and freedom of life, love and compassion for self and others and living selflessly, While some of us dwell at the lowest level and enjoy being at the   lowest self - level hardly ever allowing ourselves to the highest self- level, giving fear a ball and allowing fear to make our decisions for us, acting in the lowest form of being completely without love, restricting ourselves from the freedom of life, freedom of self-compassion and compassion for others, allowing anger, need and hate to rule us .
I know I have been in both places many times; some of my dreadful/ nastiest but learning decisions and moments (much appreciated now!)were made when I was at the lowest level of being, some of this moments have open up the door to step into my moments of clarity, and some of those moments have made me go lower and behave in ways that I am not proud of; But all these moments have made me who I am , the moments have allowed me to realize that I should not judge myself nor people for some of the decisions and actions we take. We have to accept and understand that we/I was at a level where those decisions felt right and that is life…the I AM, the experience we wanted to have. Nothing is by mistake; nothing just happens it all happens for a reason and for that moment leading to another moment, but being conscious and stepping out to clarity is what matters.
As beings, We all have our believes and those believes lead to our thoughts and our emotions; emotions creates the feelings of fear and love, in our lowest form , we allow fear to rule and our decisions and actions are based on fear making it negative but if we allow love to rule either in our lowest or highest level of being by stepping into our clarity moment then it will turn out positive. Fear reduces our capabilities, it limits us, it reduces our creativity, it stops us from living from within but love frees us and allows us to fly. Our thoughts create possibilities which also create emotions of love and fear, if we chose fear we get lost, our true potentials remain hidden and lock away , our experience is limited , love brings about unlimited experience and clarity. It is a circle that we live by and if we constantly live in fear then we are not living.
Life is meant to live in love and gratitude leading to abundance, freedom and limitlessness; being conscious and living within the moment allow us to step out of the lowest level of being, it reminds us we have stepped off the path of clarity and we need to go back within and look within, to look within the I AM space; the feeling of calmness, appreciating, taking deep conscious breath, allowing your mind the freedom to just be and see things not in a defined manner…just being! 
But ladies, The thing is, It is only human to step out, its natural and it is part of our learning, it is not bad nor is it good, it is just part of being human and part of the experience that we were meant to have so embrace your thoughts ladies but be conscious of love all the time… cannot go wrong with love!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!