Unconditional love
Today I don't like my kids...my life
....but I love them and my life.....
Could it be hormones I ask myself as I
realize that I am angry with my kids, angry with my life and everything around
me. I felt sad, empty and lost...my youngest son was crying over every little
thing, the older one was shouting and jumping everywhere and the nanny I paid
to help me handle situation like this was making it worse....and I felt just
tired, I felt I just don't like everything around me at that moment
but deep down inside me I love everything around me!
That was me some months back and still
a little bit of me this days, I use to get all upset with myself ,with my
family, the kids , I was just so tired and I felt my life has been taking over
,I use to just stare out my window and ask myself, was this the deal? Was this
what I hoped for? but then out of the
blues , after so many years of pain,
after reading so many online guides and buying and downloading so many books(
some helped and some were just a disaster!) I understood the meaning of like and love and
I understood the difference between like and love..... It's okay not to like
something at a particular moment in time but love it , to just be in the moment
and accept what you are feeling , to let go and swim in that ocean of the
unknown, the wilderness. I learn to appreciate and accept the concept of not
liking something but loving it whole heartedly. This acceptance began my
journey of enjoying moments with my children and my family.
I became aware of the concept and began
the learning of how I can be in harmony with both words at the same time; how to like and
love at the same time, to unite these two unique words, to accept , to like and
to love all at once. And to me, this I called unconditional love.
Moments that I find myself in the verge
of shouting and raining all sorts of WHY, WHAT....THE...F***...HOW ....moments
when my beautiful house looks and feel
like a witch cauldron ,with everything fused into one room-cloths,
toys,food,dirth,papers,snacks-I mean all, days where I can't remember if it was Monday
or Thursday , moments that I can't even remember my own thoughts, I have learn
to accept the beauty in it and what I am feeling , to fully immerse myself in
the moment and not to struggle with it or to fight with my feelings....and thus
I have learn to love and like.
love my family with all my heart and I will go to any length for them, I now
know how to love the utter dysfunction of the house (“sometimes”) , the lovely
quite moments, the happy loving moments , the screaming happy or sad faces .To
be honest I still find myself lost amidst all the craziness a times and sometimes I
don't like it...but I realize that I need to just step away, take a breath
,just calm myself down before it all comes back and I accept the moment and
breath it in and out. And then I remember how unconditionally I love everything
about all the things I don't like....
I read something a while ago which I
always refer too when I get that feeling of not liking....it was a beautiful
write up about liking our children , our life and spouses and not just loving
them and the writer goes like" how many of you really like your children,
your family and your spouses , not love but like" ? It's a question that has resonated well
within me and made me to really think about my relationship with my family and
We live in a world today that is so
demanding , so many task to do, work, family responsibility , life style and so
much more and sometimes this demands can take a toll on us and without knowing
we stop liking , we just stop.....we love but we don't like because we are so
tired, stressed, and so over whelmed ......but I have learn to take a step
back, take a breath and remind myself that those moments with utter dysfunction
and craziness are a blessing, blessings to cherish and moments that will never
return , moments stolen away by time ... What more can we do but to try to
embrace it all , try to not even think about it or attach any illusions to it
but to accept it fully and delve into it with all our heart.
Don't get me wrong I can still easily
get carried away and forget myself most times,
giving way to defining the moments as difficult or wishing this was not
happening or hoping for something easier or a controllable chaos ! but then I
am thankful that there is always that notch of love always tugging on my soul
and reminding me it is the moment....there is no other moment like it...so
enjoy it and fully engage with it. Every day it is becoming easier, I get a
little bit closer to fully learning to like and love my kids, my husband and to
like and love my family and utmost on the list is to like and love myself for
that trickles down the road to the other likes and love....I have accept it as
my journey to cherish.
I have made a bargain with myself that every
moment of my life must be cherished and lived, every moment must be lived
consciously and every moment must be accepted in this journey. That bargain is
my ticket to learning the lessons life offers me every second and it is my
guide to whom I am as I take this beautiful journey of discovery ...of amazing
love and of different colors in every moment together with those marvelous
souls that have chosen me as their mother, spouse, siblings, friends and many
I wrote the note below as a reminder:
I said to myself as I look upon those dear to me.....
For the very first time I met you...
I knew there will be moments of sadness and moments
that I did not like you, Moments of anger, moments of pain and sorrow , Moments
of love and moments that I will hold dear to my heart and cherish on the journey we are taking
From the moment
both of you were placed in my hands at different times in my life and I look
into your tiny ,wide beautiful faces...I knew there will be moments of sorrow,
moments that make me forget who I am, moments of love, Moments that I don't
like you, Moments that felt like forever, Moments of anger, of raising my voice louder
than usual and moments of pain but I knew also there will be moments irreplaceable , moments of
great joy and satisfaction, moments that filled my heart with love and
happiness and moments that will gladden my heart forever....I knew there will
be moments of tears , tears of joy, sadness and utter happiness.
For the first
time I saw you all I knew moments will come.....but I was not scared for I knew
the moments will pass as the seasons pass and only the memory of great
unconditional love felt all through the years will remain as we all fly into
the world .......those moments are foot prints in my heart and in your hearts
and I knew that those foot prints will be the Angels that guide us all through
the beautiful journey of our life.
Also shared in http://womenforone.com/author/rahinatu-adamu/
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